
The assistant now includes some new helpful features such as finding nearby parks, open restaurants (and their Yelp rating)
with clickable map locations so you can open it in Google Maps with a click of a button.
Click the chat icon on the bottom right of the page 🙂

Stops/Parks/Food Buttons - These buttons won't just find places in Lynchburg, try them anywhere!

Note: For most features to work make sure to allow your device to share its location with the assistant.
This can be done under Privacy settings or Location settings on most devices.

Select Menu - A complete searchable list of Lynchburg's bus stops that provides more precise bus arrival times than most map apps, this is updated regularly.

AI Chat - Your Lynchburg assistant isn't phased by most typos, spelling mistakes or phrasing
so feel free to ask it how to get to a popular destination, about bus ID policies or social services!

Home Page


AI Transit Assistant

I can help you find nearby bus stops, restaurants and parks. Ask me about paratransit IDs, social services and more in English or Spanish! 🙂

You can ask questions like:

"How do I get to Walmart?"